Towards the end of the fourth Die Hard movie, an aging John McClane faces off against an F-35 Lightning fighter jet whilst driving a cumbersome truck. Naturally, McClane wins this battle. While the movie was an… Read more »
Posts Tagged: PECOTA

Welcome to Physics Friday! I would be happy to receive suggestions for future topics based on questions YOU have relating to baseball and science/physics/mechanics: you can drop them in the comments below or reach me… Read more »
For the third year running, our review of preseason predictions and projections is back, crushing all the hopes of those baseball writers who never wanted to make predictions in the first place and would rather… Read more »
Inspired by FiveThirtyEight’s regular Slack chats, Brandon Lee, Nick Strangis, Ross Bukouricz and Darius Austin got together to do a different kind of 2017 Cubs preview through the medium of Facebook.
Eric Roseberry and Mark Sands join Ryan Sullivan to look back on the co-host changes at Effectively Wild, then discuss extra innings, the Reds, the Nationals, the PECOTA projections for 2017, and Eric’s own On Baseball Writing podcast.

History is full of great rivalries. If one were trying to conceive of the Mt. Rushmore of animosity, it might just be Mozart vs. Salieri, Burr vs. Hamilton, Coke vs. Pepsi, and Stone Cold vs…. Read more »
When I finished the 2015 season preview prediction analysis in April, I promised to come back at the end of the season and find out just how wrong everyone was. For those of you who were really, really wrong, time to look away. Everyone else can laugh at how bad we still are at trying to predict baseball.