Living in New York City, the Mets and the Yankees get all of the headlines as far as baseball is concerned – and rightfully so. However if you’re not as big a baseball fan as… Read more »
Living in New York City, the Mets and the Yankees get all of the headlines as far as baseball is concerned – and rightfully so. However if you’re not as big a baseball fan as… Read more »
Originally published on Camstew’s View on Baseball. For a variety of different reasons, hardcore baseball fans have a certain affinity for their team’s AAA-affiliate. Prospect-hounds love to watch top prospects progress through the minor league… Read more »
“I became a baseball fan in 1997. I used to listen to the radio broadcasts of the nearest minor league baseball team (90 miles away from where I grew up). I would keep score by hand until either the radio frequency changed (making it impossible to hear the play-by-play) or until I fell asleep, whichever came first. Fast-forward seventeen years to the summer of 2014, and I found myself in the role of official scorer for that same minor league club.”
My brother-in-law has real live friends, at least on the Internet, instead of shouting his thoughts into the void 2,000 words at a time. He shot me an email yesterday afternoon, after a conversation on… Read more »
How unheralded was Brian Harper, who played 16 seasons in the Major Leagues and batted .295? How underrated was he? Well, ask yourself: Who were the five best catchers in baseball from 1989-93? According to… Read more »