Have you ever wanted to experience the thrill of running a professional baseball team? Lack the connections of a BaseballProspectus.com managing editor or a FiveThirtyEight.com writer? Never fear, friend, Out of the Park Baseball, now… Read more »
Have you ever wanted to experience the thrill of running a professional baseball team? Lack the connections of a BaseballProspectus.com managing editor or a FiveThirtyEight.com writer? Never fear, friend, Out of the Park Baseball, now… Read more »
Yesterday marked nine years since Twins fans lost a legendary player and Minneapolis lost its favorite adopted son, Kirby Puckett. Puckett passed away one day after suffering a massive stroke in a hospital in Phoenix, Arizona, far from the public eye but never far from Twins fans’ thoughts. He left a legacy as one of the most huggable players fans will ever see, but his off-the-field problems leave fans struggling to reconcile his bright presence on the field with his dark spiral off the field.