Special guest star Russell A Carleton of Baseball Prospectus joins Mike Carlucci and Nick Strangis to look back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine‘s classic baseball show, “Take Me Out to the Holosuite.” The trio… Read more »
Special guest star Russell A Carleton of Baseball Prospectus joins Mike Carlucci and Nick Strangis to look back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine‘s classic baseball show, “Take Me Out to the Holosuite.” The trio… Read more »
Anthony Lorenzo and Scott Kushner join Alex Crisafulli for a 3-round draft of favorite “Seinfeld” minor characters, and conclude with discussion on a memorable episodes.
Brandon Lee, Mike Carlucci, Nick Strangis, and Ken Maeda banter about Force Awakens rewatches and then resume their draft of favorite Star Wars things with three more rounds.
Guests Scott Holland and Tim Livingston join Alex Crisafulli and Eric Roseberry to hold a 3-round draft of some of their favorite ’90s sitcoms. Along the way, they play “Name That Show.”
Andrew Patrick, Eric Hartman, Mike Carlucci, and Brandon Lee hold a 5-round draft of their all-time favorite Simpsons episodes.
We go off-topic to pass the off-season: Effectively Wild group members Eric Ferguson and Eric Hartman join BttP regulars Eric Roseberry and Ryan Sullivan for a 3-round draft of their all-time favorite wrestlers.
On this edition of Mop-Up Duty: It’s Star Wars. Brandon Lee, Ken Maeda, and Mike Carlucci hold a 5-round “space fantasy mock draft” of their favorite Star Wars things, reminiscing, learning fun facts, and looking to the future of the franchise. Recommended only to those with excessive levels of geekness.