Astros vs. Marlins in 2013/The Next Farewell Tour/Yasmani Grandal’s Suspension/Mark Trumbo, Center Fielder (Nov 15, 2012)

Episode 21: Typewriter
(Aug 15, 2012).
Episode 22: Why BP Didn’t Break the Melky Cabrera Suspension
(Aug 16, 2012).

As the dog days hit, the guys check in on two aging, injured left-handers, chat about another exciting prospect promotion, and try to divine the competitive implications of the new Wild Card system. Episode 19:… Read more »
Episode 17: Manny Comin’ – August 9, 2012. Duration: 16:26. The Style: The show opens with someone whistling “The Farmer in the Dell.” That someone was Omar from The Wire. This particular clip was from Season… Read more »
Episode 15: Cat Fight – August 7th, 2012. Duration: 15:51. The Style: The opening is simply audio of cats yowling during a fight, which is not only instantly painful to listen to but also goes on for… Read more »

Episode 13: TIE Fighter The Style: We’re back to almost no banter. While both co-hosts have loosened up and the show is increasingly free-flowing, they remain committed to a format that demands brevity. I continue to… Read more »

The trade deadline has come and gone, and the Orioles have not traded Manny Machado or Dylan Bundy. Now we all have to live with ourselves. Episode 11: Train Crossing The Style: Ben and Sam share… Read more »
The run-up to the trade deadline brings the guys to life. In these two shows, Effectively Wild turns its first corner, of many. Episode 9: Homer and Marge It’s Monday, and Ben is back after… Read more »
Our new weekly podcast kicks off with Very Special Guest Ben Lindbergh, of Effectively Wild and Grantland fame! Host Ryan Sullivan chats with Ben about being a baseball writer, and everything you wanted to know about EW.

From the episode notes: “Ben and Sam answer listener emails about the importance of coaches, defensive stats, and how we know whether pitchers should gain or lose weight, with guest appearances by Colin Wyers and Doug Thorburn.”

Hot takes on the hurlers with the game’s hottest heaters! Hoorah! Episode 7: Duck The Style: Again, hardly anything. The Substance: Sam’s topic is the A’s, and specifically, the seemingly rebuild-oriented trades they made prior to the… Read more »

“Many Effectively Wild listeners may agree with Sam that the weekly email shows are their favorite part of the podcast. So while EW Rewind handles the in-depth analysis of each episode from the first one on, we’ll also have a series of email show recaps, to give a rundown of each email and make for a handy reference guide. Think of it as the crunchberry-only version of Cap’n Crunch.”

These two episodes were the first where the show turned particularly newsy. That was, perhaps, inevitable, as they were recorded in the run-up to the 2012 trade deadline. Episode 5: Foghorn The Style: Ben notes… Read more »

Welcome back. I’m scrapping the format I used for the first post in this series. You’ll see one of several reasons soon. No big, long introduction needed here. Let’s just recap some baseball talk. Episode… Read more »

“Welcome to EW Rewind. This is going to be a regular feature here. Our intention is to go back through the full catalogue of old episodes of Effectively Wild, and recap them for you. We’ll run through the episode a little bit, highlight any of the show’s meta elements that hit a high note or appear for the first time in a given episode, and (there will be some content here) refresh the topic or topics to some extent.”
An introduction.