A belated ‘welcome back’ to all you prediction and projection enthusiasts! BttP’s seventh annual review of preseason prognostications is finally here, a delay which can only be blamed on me. All of you who thought… Read more »
I’m not going to lie. It has been a weird season. A global pandemic, sixty games, multiple COVID-19 disruptions, rule changes so hastily made that Calvin and Hobbes would be proud…you get the picture. Normally,… Read more »

Back on March 16th, Jonathan Mishory launched a series of polls — a contest based on Survivor — for visitors to the Effectively Wild podcast’s Facebook fan group. Through 29 rounds, votes were tallied and… Read more »
With the regular season over, it’s the most exciting time of the year: we get to find out which predictions or projections from our preseason contestants were the most accurate. Apparently there are some playoffs… Read more »

Presented here is a rundown of some of the features of the Effectively Wild baseball video game, which answers the question: If baseball video games were different, how different would they be? Get your… Read more »
There is no small degree of absurdity to predictions, particularly when it comes to providing a single win total for teams that play a 162-game schedule. This absurdity is frequently noted by Ben Lindbergh as… Read more »

Effectively Wild Episode 57: The Teams That Will Win a World Series in the Next Five Years/Are Beat Writers Becoming More or Less Important?/The O’s Start Saunders On the [Morning? Evening? Afternoon? It’s unclear] of… Read more »
For the third year running, our review of preseason predictions and projections is back, crushing all the hopes of those baseball writers who never wanted to make predictions in the first place and would rather… Read more »

The Effectively Wild podcast spends hours discussing the nuances of professional baseball players, causing them to become living memes in the eyes of the show’s listeners. I thought to myself: what if reality reflected fantasy?… Read more »
As the 2017 MLB season begins, another Effectively Wild Tournament ends. Outlasting 31 other EW favorites was Sam’s Morbid Moments, which came away with an easy finals victory. In our 3rd place matchup, Drafts of Everything… Read more »

Welcome to the final round of the 2017 Effectively Wild Tournament Bracket Classic, where it all comes down to motivation vs nihilism.

It’s the Semi-Finals of the 2017 Effectively Wild Tournament Bracket Classic.

Welcome to the Round of 8 of the 2017 Effectively Wild Tournament Bracket Classic, where we bid farewell to the Burrito Method, Gonny Jomes, and Rich Hill.

Welcome to the Round of 16 of the 3rd Annual Effectively Wild Tournament Bracket Classic. Here are the results of the opening round’s second half. Trampolines upset Watching Videos, and Smash Mouth traded leads with Baseball Movies/Shows before winning by nine votes.

Welcome to the second half of the opening round of the 3rd Annual Effectively Wild Tournament Bracket Classic. Before the next set of matchups, here are the results of the first half, in which all the top seeds advanced.

Welcome to the first half of the first round of the 3rd Annual Effectively Wild Tournament Bracket Classic. Banished to the Pen has compiled 32 of the Effectively Wild podcast’s classic topics, favorite players, and most enduring/endearing running jokes.
On a recent listener e-mail episode of Effectively Wild (number 983 to be exact), Ben and Sam responded to a question from a listener named Jeff on the rights to Clayton Kershaw’s newborn son, Charley:… Read more »
Effectively Wild listeners probably don’t need anyone to tell them that if you spend long enough with the Baseball-Reference Play Index (coupon code BP), you’re virtually guaranteed to uncover some kind of statistical curiosity or fun fact that you’d never been aware of.
With the regular season over, it’s time for our second annual review of the preseason predictions and projections that we pitted against each other back in April. Last season, the Effectively Wild podcast preview guests… Read more »
On Episode 910 of Effectively Wild, Ben and Sam fielded a listener question about which is the least interesting inning in baseball. The discussion naturally also turned to which was the most interesting inning, and… Read more »
Prediction season is over, and the regular season has begun, which means it’s time for the second instalment of our win total prediction analysis. Last year, I gathered all of the win predictions from Effectively Wild… Read more »
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, by now you should already know that Baseball Prospectus has unleashed their new game “Beat PECOTA.” You can find the game, and all… Read more »

Congratulations to Ned Garver on winning the 2nd annual Effectively Wild Tournament Bracket Classic! The pride of Ney, Ohio got the best of Ryan Webb (pride of Clearwater FL) and Matt Albers (pride of Houston TX), receiving 67% of the final 124 votes.

We’re down to the championship round of the 2016 Effectively Wild Tournament. In the semi-finals, #1 Ned Garver defeated #1 Gonny Jomes 70%-30%, and #1 Webb-Albers defeated #2 “If Baseball Were Different” 59%-41%.

We’re down to the Wild Four of the 2016 Effectively Wild Tournament. #1 Ned Garver (78%) continues to be the force of the tournament, defeating Drafts of Everything. #1 Gonny Jomes (51%) continued his winning ways as he rallied past Sam’s Morbid Moments by just 2 votes.

We move on to the Effective Eight in Round 3 of the 2016 Effectively Wild Tournament. The #1 and #2 seeds have all advanced; here’s how it happened: #1 Ned Garver (78%) rolled past the Burritos…

It’s down to the Sweep Sixteen in Round 2 of the 2016 Effectively Wild Tournament. First, the decisive results of the second half of Round 1:

Welcome to the second half of the first round of the 2nd Annual 2015 Effectively Wild Tournament Bracket Classic. The results from the first opening eight matchups:

Welcome to the first half of the first round of the 2nd Annual 2015 Effectively Wild Tournament Bracket Classic.
2016-wild-four-card-garverIn yet another take on March Madness, Banished to the Pen has again compiled 32 of the Effectively Wild podcast’s classic topics, favorite players, and most enduring/endearing running jokes.

Last week, we ran Banished to the Pen’s first yearly award polls to select the best of MLB and Effectively Wild in 2015, as voted on by BttP readers and members of the EW Facebook… Read more »