Angels the magic kingdom: Trout, Ohtani, and Kershaw thirty miles south Astros bury our chances for signing Kershaw under centerfield, Tal’s Hill Cardinals best fans in baseball plus best pitcher in baseball under the same… Read more »
Angels the magic kingdom: Trout, Ohtani, and Kershaw thirty miles south Astros bury our chances for signing Kershaw under centerfield, Tal’s Hill Cardinals best fans in baseball plus best pitcher in baseball under the same… Read more »
Presented here is a rundown of some of the features of the Effectively Wild baseball video game, which answers the question: If baseball video games were different, how different would they be? Get your… Read more »
Are you an MVP at MLB trivia? A Jedi Master of Star Wars minutiae? Test your knowledge! Challenge your friends! With the excitement surrounding the upcoming Han Solo movie as well as the 2018 MLB… Read more »
“Movember” is a unique annual event that runs each November, where mustaches are grown in an effort to raise awareness of various men’s health issues, physical and mental. Consider taking a moment today to donate… Read more »
Inspired by the annual David Letterman segment in which he would greet young trick-or-treaters dressed in quirky, bizarre, often topical costumes, here’s our own series of eight baseball-related costume ideas. (With thanks to AD, Brandon… Read more »
On Monday it was announced that Fox would not be renewing cult favorite Pitch, following its first-year struggles in the ratings. Its future is uncertain, but Banished to the Pen has managed to acquire a… Read more »
Baseball has long been an important element of the Peanuts franchise. The 1977 tome, Sandlot Peanuts, collected nothing but baseball-related comic strips. Joe Shlabotnik rings true for anyone who’s had an affinity for a lousy… Read more »
Lucas Frost Giolito (born July 14, 1994) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Chicago White Sox of Major League Baseball (MLB). And if you’ve been to his Wikipedia entry, you may have noticed… Read more »
This year is the 25th anniversary of the Simpsons episode “Homer at the Bat,” which first aired Feb 20, 1992 – it was the 17th episode of season three. As any fan of the show… Read more »
In the gaming portion of our revisit to 1994, we talk about the original 16-bit Griffey title, and break down the references used for the game’s fake player names. Then we take a brief look… Read more »
Previously, Banished to the Pen turned the clock back to 1988 in the first entry of our Throwbacks series. This time, we look back at 1994 — when Matt Williams chased 61, Tony Gwynn chased… Read more »
The hi-jinks of a loveable mascot can be as much a part of the ballpark experience as the crack of the bat and the smell of hot dogs. So, in tribute, here’s a little mascot quiz*.
Brandon Lee, Mike Carlucci, Nick Strangis, and Ken Maeda banter about Force Awakens rewatches and then resume their draft of favorite Star Wars things with three more rounds.
Not long after their initial viewings of Star Wars Episode VII, Brandon Lee, Ken Maeda, Mick Carlucci, and Nick Strangis just had to convene to compare their ratings, theater experience, and likes/dislikes. Spoilers throughout.
Ben Lindbergh (of Effectively Wild and FiveThirtyEight) joins BttP editor Ken Maeda to talk about all things Star Wars, including his take on The Force Awakens, and growing up a fan of the series. After some talk about his sportswriting, spoilers start at about 12 minutes in.
We start wrapping up the site’s first year with Alex Crisafulli, Eric Roseberry, Ryan Sullivan, and Ken Maeda, discussing the big pitcher signings, Dusty Baker, and Coach Bonds. Then they get into their fan origin stories, an encounter with Ben Lindbergh, and the biggest post of the Banished era thus far. (Recorded on Saturday.)
Banished to the Pen turns the clock back to 1988, as we take a look at some classic baseball video games and collectibles.
In this series, Banished to the Pen turns the clock back to a particular year in baseball from the ’80s and ’90s. Our first entry starts with 1988, the year of one of the most… Read more »
Site editors Brandon Lee, Darius Austin, and Ken Maeda convene for a random fandom banter episode. After summing up the Cubs and Giants’ seasons, the trio discuss Webb-Albers, consuming baseball, ballpark tours, triple-short-of-cycle leaders, and BRef player sponsor rates.
Monday night marks the season opener for the Sonoma Stompers independent team, and we here at BttP are pretty excited – if not stoked – to see how things unfold this summer. In the meantime,… Read more »
Now you can add Bud Selig alongside Princess Leia and Michael Jackson on the list of famous holograms, thank to the “virtual Bud,” which will surely be just one highlight among many at the new “Bud Selig Experience” in Milwaukee.
Summertime is back, and so is the weekly roundup of Banished to the Pen highlights.
Everyone’s favorite gap-toothed funnyman, David Letterman, has presented many baseball-related Top Ten Lists during his influential and inventive 33-year run in late night.
My mom taught me the baseline of what I know about baseball. Growing up on the North Side of Chicago, she followed the Cubs as Ernie Banks, Billy Williams, Ron Santo, and Fergie Jenkins… Read more »
On this edition of This Week in “Banished,” we take rules to the extreme: Baseball Tyler Baber took a closer look at one of the early season’s best teams, and one of the worst:… Read more »
A look back at the week that was at Banished to the Pen.
Hello, everybody. Each Sunday, we hope to highlight some posts from the previous week — and beyond — here at Banished to the Pen. “In case you missed it,” as the kids like to say (though not in as many words). Cue the funky 80s background music.
“That’s right: you’ll get all these great classic rock hits in just one team preview.” Angels TV color guy Mark Gubicza, a former pitcher, is known for relying on the same old pitching maxims:… Read more »
Episode 87: “Baseball and the BCS/Halladay vs. Lee/Does the ‘Success Cycle’ Still Exist?” – November 22, 2012.
Astros vs. Marlins in 2013/The Next Farewell Tour/Yasmani Grandal’s Suspension/Mark Trumbo, Center Fielder (Nov 15, 2012)